
Scientific Papers


Multi-Contact Task and Motion Planning Guided by Video Demonstration

Authors: Kateryna Zorina, David Kovar, Florent Lamiraux, Nicolas Mansard, Justin Carpentier, Josef Sivic, Vladimir Petrik

[HAL] [Benchmark] [Video]

Differentiable Collision Detection: a Randomized Smoothing Approach

Authors: Louis Montaut, Quentin Le Lidec, Antoine Bambade, Vladimir Petrik, Josef Sivic, Justin Carpentier

[arXiv] [HAL] [Paper]

Enforcing the consensus between Trajectory Optimization and Policy Learning for precise robot control

Authors: Quentin Le Lidec, Wilson Jallet, Ivan Laptev, Cordelia Schmid, Justin Carpentier

[arXiv] [HAL]

Imitrob: Imitation Learning Dataset for Training and Evaluating 6D Object Pose Estimators

Authors: Jiri Sedlar, Karla Stepanova, Radoslav Skoviera, Jan K. Behrens, Matus Tuna, Gabriela Sejnova, Josef Sivic, Robert Babuska

[arXiv] [Dataset] [Code] [Poster] [Licensing]

Contact Models in Robotics: a Comparative Analysis

Authors: Quentin Le Lidec, Wilson Jallet, Louis Montaut, Ivan Laptev, Cordelia Schmid, Justin Carpentier


GJK++: Leveraging Acceleration Methods for Faster Collision Detection

Authors: Louis Montaut, Quentin Le Lidec, Vladimír Petrík, Josef Sivic, Justin Carpentier

[arXiv] [HAL]

QPLayer: efficient differentiation of convex quadratic optimization

Authors: Antoine Bambade, Fabian Schramm, Adrien Taylor, Justin Carpentier


Companion Report of PROXQP: an Efficient and Versatile Quadratic Programming Solver for Real-Time Robotics Applications and Beyond

Authors: Antoine Bambade, Fabian Schramm, Sarah El Kazdadi, Stéphane Caron, Adrien Taylor, Justin Carpentier


MegaPose: 6D Pose Estimation of Novel Objects via Render & Compare

Authors: Yann Labbé,Lucas Manuelli, Arsalan Mousavian, Stephen Tyree, Stan Birchfield, Jonathan Tremblay, Justin Carpentier, Mathieu Aubry, Dieter Fox, Josef Sivic
[arXiv] [Code] [Video 1] [Video 2] [OpenReview]

Visually Guided Model Predictive Robot Control via 6D Object Pose Localization and Tracking

Authors: Mederic Fourmy, Vojtech Priban, Jan Kristof Behrens, Nicolas Mansard, Josef Sivic, Vladimir Petrik

[arXiv] [Video]

Leveraging Randomized Smoothing for Optimal Control of Nonsmooth Dynamical Systems

Authors: Quentin Le Lidec, Fabian Schramm, Louis Montaut, Cordelia Schmid, Ivan Laptev, Justin Carpentier

[arXiv] [HAL]

Model predictive control under hard collision avoidance constraints for a robotic arm

Authors: Arthur Haffemayer, Armand Jordana, Médéric Fourmy, Krzysztof Wojciechowski, Guilhem Saurel, Vladimír Petrík, Florent Lamiraux, Nicolas Mansar

[HAL] [Code] [Video]

From Compliant to Rigid Contact Simulation: a Unified and Efficient Approach

Authors: Bruce Wingo, Ajay Sathya, Stéphane Caron, Seth Hutchinson, Justin Carpentier

[arXiv] [Video] [Code] [Hal]

PROXDDP: Proximal Constrained Trajectory Optimization

Authors: Wilson Jallet, Antoine Bambade, Etienne Arlaud, Sarah El-Kazdadi, Nicolas Mansard, Justin Carpentier


Parallel and Proximal Constrained Linear-Quadratic Methods for Real-Time Nonlinear MPC

Authors: .Wilson Jallet, Ewen Dantec, Etienne Arlaud, Justin Carpentier, Nicolas Mansard

[arXiv] [HAL] [Video] [GitHub]

Linear-time Differential Inverse Kinematics: an Augmented Lagrangian Perspective

Authors: Bruce Wingo, Ajay Sathya, Stéphane Caron, Seth Hutchinson, Justin Carpentier.


Towards a new generation of TIAGo robots

Authors: Francesco Ferro, Luca Marchionni, NarcŽıs Miguel

FocalPose++: Focal Length and Object Pose Estimation via Render and Compare

Authors: Martin CŽıfka, Georgy Ponimatkin, Yann Labbe, Bryan Russell, Mathieu Aubry, Vladimir Petrik and Josef Sivic

[arXiv] [Code] [Paper]

FIGAROH: a Python toolbox for dynamic identification and geometric calibration of robots and humans

Authors: Dinh Vinh Thanh Nguyen, Vincent Bonnet, Sabbah Maxime, Maxime Gautier, Pierre Fernbach, Florent Lamiraux.


PROX-QP: Yet another Quadratic Programming Solver for Robotics and beyond

Authors: Antoine Bambade, Sarah El-Kazdadi, Adrien Taylor, Justin Carpentier


Force Feedback Model-Predictive Control via Online Estimation

Authors: Armand Jordana, Sébastien Kleff, Justin Carpentier, Nicolas Mansard, Ludovic Righetti

[HAL] [Video]

Force Feedback in Model Predictive Control: A Soft Contact Approach

Authors: Sébastien Kleff, Armand Jordana, Nicolas Mansard, Ludovic Righetti


Risk-Sensitive Extended Kalman Filter

Authors: Armand Jordana, Avadesh Meduri, Etienne Arlaud, Justin Carpentier, Ludovic Righetti

[arXiv] [HAL]

Constrained Articulated Body Dynamics Algorithms

Authors: Ajay Sathya, Justin Carpentier


Reconciling RaiSim with the Maximum Dissipation Principle

Authors: Quentin Le Lidec, Justin Carpentier


Stagewise Implementations of Sequential Quadratic Programming for Model-Predictive Control

Authors: Armand Jordana, Sébastien Kleff, Avadesh Meduri, Justin Carpentier, Nicolas Mansard, Ludovic Righetti

[HAL] [Video]

Collision Avoidance in Model Predictive Control using Velocity Damper

Authors: Arthur Haffemayer, Armand Jordana, Ludovic de Matteis, Krzysztof Wojciechowski, Florent Lamiraux, Nicolas Mansard

[arXiv] [HAL]

Linear-time Differential Inverse Kinematics: an Augmented Lagrangian Perspective

Authors: Bruce Wingo, Ajay Suresha Sathya, Stephane Caron, Seth Hutchinson and Justin Carpentier

[Paper] [HAL] [Video] [Code]



This work is supported by the AGIMUS project funded by the European Union under GA no.101070165. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.
