Industrial pilots






Overall Description

AIRBUS is an international reference in the aerospace sector. Within AGIMUS, the St Eloi Factory in Toulouse, France, will be involved, consisting of 118 000 m2, 1000 employees, and a production of 1200 pylons per year in order to develope the Aircraft and Satellite Manufacturing Industrial Pilot.
Deburring on reactor pylon

Deburring on reactor pylon

Description: A deburring operation (manufacturing process) after final drilling on top of structural aircraft mechanical parts (e.g., pylon wing junction) that involves a long sequence of tasks (aka mission programming for sequences of holes to machine and displacement of the robot basis) and accurate relative positioning from vision (<2mm) and haptic (<1N).

Challenges: (i) the poor accuracy of lightweight or flexible robots, (ii) the need to accurately relocate hole positioning, leading to (iii) adaptation of both the mission (defined by long task sequences) and the movements, (iv) subsequent programming costs, and (v) operators might disturb the process, and their safety must be enforced.

Improvements: (i) safely allow operator in workspace, (ii) no need to stop production during hours of human reprogramming, (iii) instant reset of the mission after security procedure (<10 seconds automatic), and (iv) reduced time to deliver the final product (20%).
Solar Array Assembly

Solar Array Assembly

Description: Manufacturing operations (dispensing fluids such as sealant, spray cleaning, or adhesive/glue) on top of solar arrays mechanical parts during satellite assembly phases in the C10000 clean room.

Challenges: (i) the poor accuracy of lightweight or flexible robots, (ii) the required accuracy of the fluid disposal, (iii) the need to relocate and follow the contour of the solar arrays using visual feedback, (iv) operators might disturb the process and their safety must be enforced, (v) sensitive product that can be damaged by the robot.

Improvements: (i) employee exposure to chemical fumes (- 50%), (ii) disposal quality (+10%), (iii) reduced dust production compared to operators (-50%), (iv) task automation with no time loss due to robot safety enforcement, (v) tracking accuracy despite occlusion (<5mm).



Overall Description

The KLEEMANN Lift Manufacturing industrial pilot will be implemented in KLEEMANN’s headquarters in Kilkis, Greece. The pilot will focus on the false ceiling assembly, as well as on the floor covering material gluing and assembly where accuracy and quality are mandatory. Our ambition is to automate these procedures as much as possible using the TIAGo AGIMUS robot, a next generation mobile manipulator with enhanced perception, planning, and control.

Gluing reinforcement parts in the cabin’s false ceiling

This case study will cover the processes involved in managing the false ceiling and reinforcement parts. TIAGo AGIMUS will help the operators to identify the positions of the placement of the reinforcement parts, to spread the glue to the identified positions, to position and press the reinforcement parts to the identified spots and to inspect visually the right positions of the glued parts.
🎯 Given that the robot and workers will share the same space and that the ceiling components have diverse shapes and sizes, the robot's safety and versatility characteristics are essential. With the help of TIAGo, employee’s exposure to chemical fumes is expected to decrease by 90%. Additionally, the robot’s capability to uniformly and swiftly dispense glue along each part is expected to improve the glue disposal quality by 30%, reduce the needed glue by 30%, and boost productivity by 15%.

Floor covering material gluing and assembly

This case study will cover the processes involved in handling the floor. TIAGo AGIMUS will help the operators to spread the glue on the wood and press the floor’s material on the wood.
🎯 Given that the operators and the robot will share the same workspace and that the floor materials vary in length, the robot's versatility and accuracy in glue disposal are essential. With this case study, employee’s exposure to chemical fumes is expected to decrease by 90%. Additionally, the robot’s capability to uniformly and precisely dispense glue is expected to improve glue disposal quality by 20%, reduce employee’s stress by 20%, and increase production rate by 20%.



Overall Description

The THIMM Packaging Manufacturing industrial pilot will be implemented in THIMM’s facilities in Všetaty, Czech Republic. The pilot will focus on two case studies: inserting small plastic pieces into the cardboard and removing cardboard waste from the sheet. Our ambition is to automate these procedures as much as possible using the KUKA robots with capabilities similar to TIAGo AGIMUS robots, equipped with AGIMUS software for agile production.

Inserting small plastic pieces into the cardboard

Inserting small plastic pieces into the cardboard

Description: Gluing cardboard sides together by replicating a gluing pattern observed from a human operator. Two separate pieces are glued together, and the highly challenging task of folding the flexible cardboard sheets will be investigated.

This case study will cover the processes involved in inserting small plastic pieces into prefabricated holes in the cardboard sheets. The KUKA robot will help the operators by localizing the plastic pieces, picking them up, and using combined haptic and vision feedback to insert the pieces accurately into the holes.

🎯 Given that the operators and the robot will share the same workspace and that the cardboard sheets vary in size and texture, the robot's versatility and accuracy are essential. With the help of the KUKA robot, it is expected that the productivity of this task will increase by 15% compared to human operators.

Removing cardboard waste from the sheet

Removing cardboard waste from the sheet

Description: This case study will cover the processes involved in removing cardboard waste from pre-cut holes in the sheets. The KUKA robot will help the operators by localizing the cardboard sheets and the waste, using a tool to remove the waste, and performing automatic visual quality inspection to ensure all waste has been removed.

🎯 Given that the operators and the robot will share the same workspace and that the cardboard sheets vary in size and texture, the robot's versatility and accuracy are essential. Task automation with no time loss due to robot safety enforcement is expected for this case study.



Overall Description

AIRBUS is an international reference in the aerospace sector. Within AGIMUS, the St Eloi Factory in Toulouse, France, will be involved, consisting of 118 000 m2, 1000 employees, and a production of 1200 pylons per year in order to develope the Aircraft and Satellite Manufacturing Industrial Pilot.
Deburring on reactor pylon

Deburring on reactor pylon

Description: A deburring operation (manufacturing process) after final drilling on top of structural aircraft mechanical parts (e.g., pylon wing junction) that involves a long sequence of tasks (aka mission programming for sequences of holes to machine and displacement of the robot basis) and accurate relative positioning from vision (<2mm) and haptic (<1N).

Challenges: (i) the poor accuracy of lightweight or flexible robots, (ii) the need to accurately relocate hole positioning, leading to (iii) adaptation of both the mission (defined by long task sequences) and the movements, (iv) subsequent programming costs, and (v) operators might disturb the process, and their safety must be enforced.

Improvements: (i) safely allow operator in workspace, (ii) no need to stop production during hours of human reprogramming, (iii) instant reset of the mission after security procedure (<10 seconds automatic), and (iv) reduced time to deliver the final product (20%).
Solar Array Assembly

Solar Array Assembly

Description: Manufacturing operations (dispensing fluids such as sealant, spray cleaning, or adhesive/glue) on top of solar arrays mechanical parts during satellite assembly phases in the C10000 clean room.

Challenges: (i) the poor accuracy of lightweight or flexible robots, (ii) the required accuracy of the fluid disposal, (iii) the need to relocate and follow the contour of the solar arrays using visual feedback, (iv) operators might disturb the process and their safety must be enforced, (v) sensitive product that can be damaged by the robot.

Improvements: (i) employee exposure to chemical fumes (- 50%), (ii) disposal quality (+10%), (iii) reduced dust production compared to operators (-50%), (iv) task automation with no time loss due to robot safety enforcement, (v) tracking accuracy despite occlusion (<5mm).



Overall Description

The KLEEMANN Lift Manufacturing industrial pilot will be implemented in KLEEMANN’s headquarters in Kilkis, Greece. The pilot will focus on the false ceiling assembly, as well as on the floor covering material gluing and assembly where accuracy and quality are mandatory. Our ambition is to automate these procedures as much as possible using the TIAGo AGIMUS robot, a next generation mobile manipulator with enhanced perception, planning, and control.

Gluing reinforcement parts in the cabin’s false ceiling

This case study will cover the processes involved in managing the false ceiling and reinforcement parts. TIAGo AGIMUS will help the operators to identify the positions of the placement of the reinforcement parts, to spread the glue to the identified positions, to position and press the reinforcement parts to the identified spots and to inspect visually the right positions of the glued parts.
🎯 Given that the robot and workers will share the same space and that the ceiling components have diverse shapes and sizes, the robot's safety and versatility characteristics are essential. With the help of TIAGo, employee’s exposure to chemical fumes is expected to decrease by 90%. Additionally, the robot’s capability to uniformly and swiftly dispense glue along each part is expected to improve the glue disposal quality by 30%, reduce the needed glue by 30%, and boost productivity by 15%.

Floor covering material gluing and assembly

This case study will cover the processes involved in handling the floor. TIAGo AGIMUS will help the operators to spread the glue on the wood and press the floor’s material on the wood.
🎯 Given that the operators and the robot will share the same workspace and that the floor materials vary in length, the robot's versatility and accuracy in glue disposal are essential. With this case study, employee’s exposure to chemical fumes is expected to decrease by 90%. Additionally, the robot’s capability to uniformly and precisely dispense glue is expected to improve glue disposal quality by 20%, reduce employee’s stress by 20%, and increase production rate by 20%.



Overall Description

THIMM Packaging Manufacturing industrial pilot will be implemented in the THIMM pack’n’display shopfloor located in Všetaty, Czech Republic.With customized packaging, individual display concepts made of corrugated cardboard, and the most modern digital printing technology, THIMM develops the best solution for the given products.
Gluing reinforcement parts in the cabin’s false ceiling

Gluing reinforcement parts in the cabin’s false ceiling

Description: Gluing cardboard sides together by replicating a gluing pattern observed from a human operator. Two separate pieces are glued together, and the highly challenging task of folding the flexible cardboard sheets will be investigated.

Challenges: (i) task accuracy while safely sharing workspace with operators, (ii) the versatility required due to the different shapes of the cardboard displays, (iii) the required accuracy of the glue disposal, and (iv) overall productivity.

Improvements: i) glue disposal quality (+30%), (ii) task automation with no time loss due to robot safety enforcement, (iii) tracking accuracy despite occlusion (<5mm).
Inserting small plastic pieces into the cardboard

Inserting small plastic pieces into the cardboard

Description: This case study will cover the processes involved in inserting small plastic pieces into prefabricated holes in the cardboard sheets. The KUKA robot will help the operators by localizing the plastic pieces, picking them up, and using combined haptic and vision feedback to insert the pieces accurately into the holes.

Challenges: (i) operators might disturb the process, and their safety must be enforced, (ii) sensitive product parts that can be damaged by the robot, (iii) high accuracy in bin picking of small parts, (iv) handling diverse large, light, and flexible cardboards.

Improvements: (i) task automation with no time loss due to robot safety enforcement, (ii) tracking accuracy despite occlusion (<5mm).
Removing cardboard waste from the sheet

Removing cardboard waste from the sheet

Description: This case study will cover the processes involved in inserting small plastic pieces into prefabricated holes in the cardboard sheets. The KUKA robot will help the operators by localizing the plastic pieces, picking them up, and using combined haptic and vision feedback to insert the pieces accurately into the holes.

This case study will cover the processes involved in removing cardboard waste from pre-cut holes in the sheets. The KUKA robot will help the operators by localizing the cardboard sheets and the waste, using a tool to remove the waste, and performing automatic visual quality inspection to ensure all waste has been removed.

🎯 Given that the operators and the robot will share the same workspace and that the cardboard sheets vary in size and texture, the robot's versatility and accuracy are essential. With the help of the KUKA robot, it is expected that the productivity of this task will increase by 15% compared to human operators.



🎯 Given that the operators and the robot will share the same workspace and that the cardboard sheets vary in size and texture, the robot's versatility and accuracy are essential. Task automation with no time loss due to robot safety enforcement is expected for this case study.



Overall Description

AIRBUS is an international reference in the aerospace sector. Within AGIMUS, the St Eloi Factory in Toulouse, France, will be involved, consisting of 118 000 m2, 1000 employees, and a production of 1200 pylons per year in order to develope the Aircraft and Satellite Manufacturing Industrial Pilot.
Deburring on reactor pylon

Deburring on reactor pylon

Description: A deburring operation (manufacturing process) after final drilling on top of structural aircraft mechanical parts (e.g., pylon wing junction) that involves a long sequence of tasks (aka mission programming for sequences of holes to machine and displacement of the robot basis) and accurate relative positioning from vision (<2mm) and haptic (<1N).

Challenges: (i) the poor accuracy of lightweight or flexible robots, (ii) the need to accurately relocate hole positioning, leading to (iii) adaptation of both the mission (defined by long task sequences) and the movements, (iv) subsequent programming costs, and (v) operators might disturb the process, and their safety must be enforced.

Improvements: (i) safely allow operator in workspace, (ii) no need to stop production during hours of human reprogramming, (iii) instant reset of the mission after security procedure (<10 seconds automatic), and (iv) reduced time to deliver the final product (20%).
Solar Array Assembly

Solar Array Assembly

Description: Manufacturing operations (dispensing fluids such as sealant, spray cleaning, or adhesive/glue) on top of solar arrays mechanical parts during satellite assembly phases in the C10000 clean room.

Challenges: (i) the poor accuracy of lightweight or flexible robots, (ii) the required accuracy of the fluid disposal, (iii) the need to relocate and follow the contour of the solar arrays using visual feedback, (iv) operators might disturb the process and their safety must be enforced, (v) sensitive product that can be damaged by the robot.

Improvements: (i) employee exposure to chemical fumes (- 50%), (ii) disposal quality (+10%), (iii) reduced dust production compared to operators (-50%), (iv) task automation with no time loss due to robot safety enforcement, (v) tracking accuracy despite occlusion (<5mm).



Overall Description

The KLEEMANN Lift Manufacturing industrial pilot will be implemented in Kilkis’ facilities, where most of the company’s products are produced. The ambition of AGIMUS is to automate these procedures using the next generation mobile manipulator with enhanced perception, planning and control.
Gluing reinforcement parts in the cabin’s false ceiling

Gluing reinforcement parts in the cabin’s false ceiling

Description: A two people process that involves handling the false ceiling and reinforcement parts is covered by the processes that define this case study. Several tasks such as transporting, marking, applying glue, placing, and pressuring will be some of the tasks that AGIMUS will learn and perform during this case study.

Challenges: task accuracy while safely sharing workspace with operators, ii) the versatility required due to the different shapes of the ceiling components, (iii) the required accuracy of the glue disposal, and (iv) overall productivity (manually repeated tasks require significant time).

Improvements: (i) Employee exposure to chemical fumes (-90%) (ii) glue disposal quality (+30%) and quantity improving (iii) chemical management (-90%), and (v) Increased productivity (+15%).
Floor covering material gluing and assembly

Floor covering material gluing and assembly

Description: In this case study, the workstation of gluing and assembling floor covering is involved. The procedure includes moving, applying glue, placing, pressuring, and assembling.

(i) task accuracy while safely sharing workspace with operators, (ii) the required accuracy of the glue disposal, (iii) the required accuracy for assembling, and (iv) overall productivity (manually repeated tasks require significant time).

Improvements: (i) Employee exposure to chemical fumes (-90%), (ii) Creation of a production line without gaps and manual handling of materials which results in reduced stress (-20%) and improved quality (+20%), (ii) Increased production rate (+20%)



Overall Description

THIMM Packaging Manufacturing industrial pilot will be implemented in the THIMM pack’n’display shopfloor located in Všetaty, Czech Republic.With customized packaging, individual display concepts made of corrugated cardboard, and the most modern digital printing technology, THIMM develops the best solution for the given products.
Gluing reinforcement parts in the cabin’s false ceiling

Gluing reinforcement parts in the cabin’s false ceiling

Description: Gluing cardboard sides together by replicating a gluing pattern observed from a human operator. Two separate pieces are glued together, and the highly challenging task of folding the flexible cardboard sheets will be investigated.

Challenges: (i) task accuracy while safely sharing workspace with operators, (ii) the versatility required due to the different shapes of the cardboard displays, (iii) the required accuracy of the glue disposal, and (iv) overall productivity.

Improvements: i) glue disposal quality (+30%), (ii) task automation with no time loss due to robot safety enforcement, (iii) tracking accuracy despite occlusion (<5mm).
Inserting small plastic pieces into the cardboard

Inserting small plastic pieces into the cardboard

Description: Fine manipulation of a human operator required for insertion of several small plastic pieces into the cardboard display. Holes in the cardboard are prefabricated, and haptic feedback is necessary to perform the insertion. AGIMUS will explore multimodal haptic and perception feedback for controlling the robot during the insertion task.

Challenges: (i) operators might disturb the process, and their safety must be enforced, (ii) sensitive product parts that can be damaged by the robot, (iii) high accuracy in bin picking of small parts, (iv) handling diverse large, light, and flexible cardboards.

Improvements: (i) task automation with no time loss due to robot safety enforcement, (ii) tracking accuracy despite occlusion (<5mm).



This work is supported by the AGIMUS project funded by the European Union under GA no.101070165. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.
