General info

The AGIMUS framework will be evaluated in an iterative way. The new generic robotic skills developed to empower the robot will be stress-tested in 3 consortium testing zones. Next, the industrial pilot deployment will commence, covering a variety of manufacturing processes and case studies. Every industrial pilot has a unique production environment that will require a dedicated audit to properly design each of the envisioned case studies for deploying agile production principles. Furthermore, albeit a preliminary selection of the case studies has been made, it is expected that by the time this sub-phase is initiated, additional requirements may be introduced, adding to the options presented to AGIMUS and leading to the adaptation of existing or inclusion of additional case studies.

Our robotic skills

Visual control
Visual control
A combination of robust MPC with an advanced visual perception that estimates 6D poses of objects in challenging conditions, including partial views and objects unseen during training.
Physical interaction
Physical interaction
Incorporating haptic feedback and accurate differentiable simulation of contacts into control to achieve accurate tool manipulation and modelling of interaction with the environment
Guided multi-step plans
Guided multi-step plans
Combining visual demonstration with TAMP to effectively discover a globally optimal solution of sequentially dependent multi-step tasks.



This work is supported by the AGIMUS project funded by the European Union under GA no.101070165. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.
